Three male correction officers have been arrested on charges they sexually abused femaleprisoners at a federal prison in Brooklyn.
Prosecutors say one of the men, Carlos Richard Martinez, could face life in prison if he isconvicted of charges he repeatedly raped an inmate who he knew spoke minimal English, had fewvisitors and would eventually be deported.
According to the criminal complaint, Martinez was responsible for conducting rounds to identifyand deter staff sexual abuse and sexual harassment. He also educated staff regarding the PrisonRape Elimination Act (“PREA”) protocols and incidents.
Martinez is accused of posting a photo on Facebook in 2015 of two men, who appear to be prisonstaff, hugging each other at a bar with the caption “It’s only PREA when youdon’t like it.”
The complaint then alleges that Martinez forcibly raped a female inmate in December of 2015,causing her bleed from her private area and making her fear she may be impregnated.
The horrific incident started when Martinez forced the inmate to clean the Lieutenants' Office— which witnesses say was empty on the weekends — while making crude sexual commentsuntil eventually raping her, according to the complaint.
An excerpt from the complaint states:
Put simply, the defendant used his superior position, authority, and strength, to overpower andrape Jane Doe, a petite female prisoner under his control and care. The defendant did not use acondom when he raped Jane Doe, leaving her terrified that, among other things, she would getpregnant. The defendant assured Jane Doe that she would not get pregnant because he had undergone avasectomy, rendering him incapable of impregnating others.
After allegedly raping the woman, Martinez warned her not to tell anyone or she would receiveadditional time in prison. The rape continued over the next few months until she mentioned his nameto a family member during a call.
The abuse stopped until April 2016 when the inmate was set to be released and into the custodyof Immigration and Customs (ICE). Martinez allegedly called her to clean the office and raped heronce last time, according to the complaint.
The other correction officers charged were identified as Armando Moronta and Eugenio Perez.
Perez, a lieutenant, who also educated staff on PREA, is accused of sexually assaulting fivedifferent female inmates. He allegedly let one of the inmates out of isolation in return for extracleaning duty. While she was on cleaning duty, he would force her and another female inmate toperform sexual favors for him.
The complaint stated, The defendant warned Jane Doe #1 and Jane Doe #2, in substance and inpart, not to tell anyone what had transpired and that, if they did, they would “besorry” and no one would believe them because he was a Lieutenant. The following morning, thedefendant returned to Jane Doe #1 and Jane Doe #2’s unit. Jane Doe #2 encountered thedefendant in the hallway outside the unit, whereupon the defendant asked her, in substance and inpart, if she “want[ed] some more” and again admonished her not to say anything.
According to the complaint, Moronta is accused of ordering food for himself and two femaleinmates. He then took them into an office where he instructed one to perform oral sex on him whilethe other served as a lookout, then switched.
He warned them not to tell anyone or they would get in trouble.
Prosecutors are seeking their detention without bail because of the seriousness of thecharges.
The defendants are expected to appear in court Thursday afternoon in Brooklyn. (New York)
Message from Executive Director Laura A. Ahearn: Parents for Megan's Law and the Crime VictimsCenter provides prevention education, advocacy, counseling and other valuable support services tochild and adult victims of sexual assault and to all victims of violent crime. Please visit ourwebsite at www.parentsformeganslaw.org for news, information and resources in your community.
3 male correction officers accused of repeatedly sexually abusing inmates at Brooklyn prison
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