5 GROPED IN SEX SPREE (Hicksville man with prior abuse charges is held after 30-minutes rampage; parents say he’s mentally ill)

Newsday/Michael Frazier

Harvey L. Holmes, III, a 42 year old Hicksville man, grabbed and groped four women and a younggirl during a half-hour spree in parking lots and convenience stores throughout the hamlet beforehe was arrested. Holmes, of 104 Dean Street, was being held yesterday in the psychiatric ward ofNassau University Medical Center in East Meadow after his arrest Saturday on charges includingsexual abuse, imprisonment, forcible touching, menacing and child endangerment. He had beenreleased without bail in a sexual abuse case in October. Holmes is unemployed and was born deaf. Hehas long battled mental illness, which worsened with the February 2006 death of hisgrandmother.

(New York)