Paul Weiser, 28, wrote to Dear Abby asking advice on how to handle his fantasies about havingsex with his girlfriend's 10 and 3 year old daughters. Columnist Jeanne Phillips said she agonizedover whether to report the letter, since the column's credibility is based on anonymity for thoseseeking her advice. Weiser was charged with three counts of possession of child pornography. Fortypornographic photographs of children were found in his computer after his arrest. Prosecutor PaulTiffen said, He acknowledges he needs help and denies ever acting upon any desires. He pleadedguilty to possession of child pornography yesterday and was given 8 years' probation. Weiser hadfaced up to 5 years in prison if convicted and a $30,000 fine on each count. His sentence alsoincludes counseling and electronic monitoring.
(Milwaukee, Wisconsin)
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