DOB: 8/23/1963
Last Known Address: 650 W 980 NORTH PROVO, UT 84601
Height : 507
Weight: 156
Race: H
Eyes: BRO
Hair: BRO
Scars, Marks & Tattoos: NONE
Charges: Aggravated Sex Abuse of a Child
Misc Info: Subject may have two children with him/ they are considered endangered.
Added to Most Wanted On: 5/2/2006 12:39:14 PM
If you have any information to help bring these fugitives in for Justice call the Utah CountySheriff Office at (801) 851-4065, or contact your local police office.
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Complete Utah County Warrant List
Message from Executive Director Laura A. Ahearn: Parents for Megan's Law andthe Crime Victims Center provides advocacy, counseling and other valuable support services to childand adult victims of sexual assault and to all victims of violent crime. Please visit ourwebsite at for news, information and resources in yourcommunity.