PARENTS IN BRENTWOOD FEAR FOR TEENS (Concerns prompted after word spreads that convicted sex offender rearrsted in December had contact with area youths)
Newsday/Stacey Altherr and Jennifer Sinco Kelleher
Photo Source: Newsday.com
Worry was the dominant feeling among Brentwood parents after hearing that a convicted sexoffender with HIV has had contact with teenagers in the area. Brentwood school authoritiessay they believe as many as 20 teenage students in the district have had contact, and in some casessexual relations, with Robert Musmacker, 36, of Oceanside. Musmacker, whose six year prisonterm for first degree sodomy ended in 1998, was arrested again December 28th in West Babylon, aftera state trooper stopped him for speeding and noticed that his