Ben Walcott, a 28 year old registered sex offender, is accused of illegally working withchildren at football camps across the state in violation of his status as a registered sexoffender. Walcott has an apparent foot fetish and is accused of using an alias to get aroundthe sex offender registry. The alias allowed him to work at youth football camps in Michiganand other states and to gain access to underage boys. Working as a quarterback coach underthe alias Ben Albright, Walcott allegedly tricked young boys into using their bare feet to playwith toys while touching, photographing and videotaping the boys' feet, as well as having the boyswalk barefoot on his back.
He was previously convicted of Criminal Sexual Conduct in 2002. During previouscriminal proceedings against Walcott, he admitted that he received sexual gratification fromtouching the feet of young boys and from watching the boys manipulate toys with their feet. He is being charged in Ionia County with one count of Working within a Student Safety Zone inviolation of the Sex Offenders Registration Act, a one year felony, for coaching at a football campon school grounds. He is also being charged in Kent County with two counts of Accosting,Enticing or Soliciting a Child for Immoral Purposes, a 10 year felony, as a result of his allegedactions involving contact with the boys at his office in Grand Rapids.
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