Keith Vischio, a Staten Island man who bludgeoned 10 year old Lorraine Pacifico with a rock on July 7, 1980, has a parole hearing this week.  The father of the girl who was brutally sexually attacked and murdered 22 years ago told The Post his daughter's murderer shouldn't be released on parole -- or he'll kill the man himself.  If he comes out, I am gonna kill him, and I will go to the top of the Empire State Building and shout it out at the top of my lungs, Peter Pacifico said of Vischio.  When people tell me I can't kill him because I would be taking a life, I say I am taking a low-life and protecting another child's life, he added.  Lorraine vanished without a clue while heading toward the Oakwood Heights Station to meet her mother, Ann, who was returning from her job on Wall Street.  After a four-day search of the neighborhood, Lorraine's body was found, her head bashed by a rock in an aborted sex attack.  Several days later, cops picked up Vischio only 75 feet from the place Lorraine was found.  Vischio, then 20 and an acquaintance of the Pacifico family, admitted to being drunk and on drugs when he attacked and killed Lorraine.

(New York)