Florida Departmentof Law Enforcement - Sexual Offender / Predator Flyer

Date Of Photo: 06/01/2005

Click Here to Trackthis Offender
Designation: SexualOffender
Status: Absconded
Department of Corrections #: M50199
Search the Dept of CorrectionsWebsite
Date of Birth: 05/26/1962
Race : White
Sex: Male
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Height: 5'10
Weight: 200 lbs
FERNANDEZ is registered as a Sexual Offender.
Positive identification cannot be established unless a fingerprint comparison ismade.

Not Available
Scars, Marks & Tattoos
Information temporarily unavailable
Address Information
The following Address Information may not be accurate

Address Address Source Information Map Link
MIAMI, FL 33157-8619
Source: Dept. of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicle
Received: 01/31/2006
Type of Address: Permanent
Address not mappable
Crime Information - Qualifying Offenses
Adjudication Date Crime Description Court Case Number Jurisdiction & State Adjudication
01/28/2005 SEX BAT UNSPECIFIED; F.S. 794.011 (PRINCIPAL) 0229661 MIAMI-DADE, FL Guilty/convict


CAUTION! If you reached this flyer from any site other than FDLE's Florida SexualOffender and Predator homepage, FDLE cannot guarantee the timeliness of the information you areviewing. To receive the most current information regarding registered sexual offenders or sexualpredators registered with the State of Florida please conduct an Offender Search from FDLE'swebsite located at http://offender.fdle.state.fl.us/offender

If further information is needed, please contact the Florida Department of Law Enforcement EIS-MPORData Management and Development Team at (1-888-357-7332) between the hours of 8:00am and5:00pm, Monday through Friday.

Positive identification cannot be established unless a fingerprintcomparison is made.
Any person who misuses public records information relating to a sexual predator, as definedin this section, or a sexual offender, commits a misdemeanor of the first degree. Please see 775.21(10)(c) formore information.


Message from Executive Director Laura A. Ahearn: Parents for Megan's Law andthe Crime Victims Center provides advocacy, counseling and other valuable support services to childand adult victims of sexual assault and to all victims of violent crime.  Please visit ourwebsite at www.parentsformeganslaw.org for news, information and resources in yourcommunity.

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