KID-PORN FUROR AT CHURCH (Parishioners quit as pedophile keeps job)
Outraged parishioners have abandoned a Manhattan Lutheran church, after their pastor vowed to keep a convicted kiddie-porn collector on staff. The Rev. Amandus Derr said that by keeping William Prante, a registered sex offender, on the job, the church is fulfilling its Christian mission of rehabilitating sinners, while protecting kids by barring Prante from being alone in St. Peter's with anyone else. Prante, however, regularly sees children at the Lexington Avenue church as part of his job. Prante, 61, pleaded guilty in 2004 to a Louisiana child-porn charge after authorities found more than 700 sexually explicit images of children, including girls who appeared younger than age 5, at his home. He served two years in prison. After his release, he moved to New York, registering as a low-risk sex offender.
(New York)
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