Four families have sued News Corp. and its MySpace social-networking site after their underage daughters were sexually abused by adults they met on the site. A 14 year old upstate New York girl went on MySpace last year looking for new friends, but she ended up being raped by two young men who stalked the site looking for easy prey. She was raped twice in one night went she went to a home to meet her new friends, two men aged 19 and 18 who had claimed to be younger. the 19 year old pleaded guilty to felony rape and is in prison. The status of the 18 year old is unknown. Other victims include a 15 year old girl from Pennsylvania, two South Carolina sisters, ages 14 and 15, and a 15 year old Texas girl who was lured to a meeting, drugged and assaulted last year by an adult MySpace user who is now serving a 10 year prison sentence for the crime.
(Los Angeles, California)
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