The South Shore Press/Suffolk County Sheriff Vincent DeMarco
A crime may last only a few seconds. But the impact of that crime can last alifetime. Sunday, April 18th marks the beginning of National Crime Victims' Rights Week, atime to focus on victims of crime and celebrate our nation's progress in serving them. Thisyear's theme, Crime Victims' Rights: Fairness, Dignity, Respect, reflects the importance of basichuman rights, particularly in times of crisis. For more information, go to www.vinelink.comor call 1-888-VINE-4-NY. Additional resources for victims include the New York State CrimeVictim's Board. They can be contacted at 1-800-247-8035. They may offer to refer you toan agency in Suffolk County that can work with you to coordinate any needed services, such ascounseling or medical treatment. Agencies such as Parents for Megan's Law and the SuffolkCounty Victim's Information Bureau offer specialized treatment for victims of domestic violence,sexual assault and child molestation.
(New York)
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