SEX OFFENDER TO BE DISCHARGED (Despite Pataki’s efforts to keep him locked up, psych evaluations allow molester to be set free)
Newsday/Errol A. Cockfield, Jr.
A dozen convicted sex fiends were to be freed to hit the streets of New York as early as nextweek but the sex offenders were tossed into mental hospitals by Governor Pataki, even though theyhad finished serving their prison sentences. But Manhattan Supreme Court Justice JacquelineSilbermann ruled on November 15, that Pataki broke the law, reasoning that although the pervertsmay be menaces to society, it doesn't necessarily make them crazy.
The following sex criminals are days from being free to roam the streets: Kenneth Bailey,Charles Brooks, Louis Massei, William Clark, Christopher Rivera, Robert Warren, Robert Trocchio,Arnold Allen, Johnny Torres, Mark McCray, Joseph Hoppe and Michael Bleiwas.
As of November 18, the state has appealed the decision of Judge Silbermann which automaticallyinstitutes a stay unless challenged, so the 12 sex offenders might not go free just yet. Thesepeople are going to remain confined until the governor's appeal is heard, Pataki spokesman KevinQuinn said.
As of November 21, an Appellate Division court won't listen to arguments until January 10 on theissue of whether the Pataki administration used an illegal procedure to keep the predators lockedup. A group representing the sex offenders gave up an attempt for their immediate release. ThePataki administration has said that until the appeals process is completed, it will continueconfining sex offenders whose prison sentences are ending but who are still deemed dangerous to thepublic.
Officials today are expected to release 42 year old Robert Warren, a convicted molester of ayoung girl, from a Manhattan mental hospital despite efforts by Pataki to keep the maninstitutionalized along with 26 other sex offenders. After two months at a mental hospital, Warrenwas examined by three state psychiatrists, who agreed he should be discharged. But Pataki said hewas disappointed regardless of the finding of the professionals. I don't think this predatorshould be out on the street, and we are going to continue to work to get tougher laws, Patakisaid.
(New York)
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