Newsday/Robert E. Kessler

Joseph Valerio, a 47 year old Smithtown real estate investor, was arrested on charges ofproducing child pornography and was ordered to be released on $3 million bail as soon as he canprovide proof that property in that amount would be forfeited if he flees.  Valerio, of 3 HighGate Drive, was arrested on a charge that he had a girlfriend living in the Ukraine make and sendhim 20 to 30 videos of her sexually abusing her 3 year old daughter.  The woman said Valeriothreatened to stop sending her money if she did not produce these videos.  The woman, whowas not identified, lived for several months in Suffolk County with Valerio, but returned to hernative land when her tourist visa was not renewed.  If convicted, he faces a mandatory minimumsentence of 15 years and up to 30 years in prison.
UPDATE: Olena Kalichenko, the 27 year old Ukranian woman, was charged with sexuallyexploiting a child after she was lured back to the United States from her homeland under theimpression that she would only be a witness in the child pornography case.  She was arrestedon charges of sexual exploitation of a child, transportation of child pornography and production ofsexually explicit depictions of a minor for importation into the United States.  Aninvestigation into the case of the 3 year old also led to charges against Valerio involving a 6year old Smithtown girl.  If convicted, Kalichenko could face at least 15 years in prison oneach charge.
UPDATE: A federal prosecutor told a jury Tuesday that Valerio, standing on trial for thechild pornography charges, produced custom-made home videos involving the two young girls. 
UPDATE: The federal jury convicted Valerio of all 15 counts in the indictment.  The12-person jury took less than three hours to convict him after the two-week trial.  Jurorsalso found that Valerio should forfeit to the government his Smithtown home, valued at $800,000,because it had been used in the exploitation of the 6 year old and the production of childporn.  Valerio faces a mandatory minimum of 15 years in prison when he is sentenced.
(New York)