Martin Speanburg Wanted by Monterey County Sheriff’s Deputies forAlleged Child Molest
ID #07-160
The Monterey County Sheriff’sDepartment is currently seeking Martin Speanburg on a $110,000 warrant charging him with ChildMolest and Failure to Register as a Sexual Offender.
Detective Larry Bryant reports thatSpeanburg’s current whereabouts are unknown at this time. He was last known to be living inthe cities of Seaside and Salinas but is believed to have fled to England.
DOB: 10/5/1956
- Offense/Statute:
- Lewd Or Lascivious Acts With A Child Under 14 Years Of Age
- Offense/Statute:
- Prior Code - Lewd Or Lascivious Acts With A Child 14 Or 15 Years OfAge
Send us a Tip at: tips@fugitive.com or
Call us at 1-800-9-CAUGHT (1-800-922-8448) or
Text us at (408)355-0999
For an immediate sighting, please dial 9-1-1
If you know his whereabouts.
Message from Executive Director Laura A. Ahearn: Parents for Megan's Law andthe Crime Victims Center provides advocacy, counseling and other valuable support services to childand adult victims of sexual assault and to all victims of violent crime. Please visit ourwebsite at www.parentsformeganslaw.org for news, information and resources in yourcommunity.