TOUGH TO TRACE ABUSERS (GPS gaining support as way to monitor LI sex offenders)
Hearing about a Suffolk County plan to track convicted sex offenders via global positioning system devices, Lois thought the man who sexually abused her sister would be an ideal candidate but when she called probation officials, she found out Carlos C. Gomez, had been missing since last May. Despite monitoring by probation officials, many sex offenders disappear. According to a 2003 survey by Parents for Megan's Law, more than 77,000 registered offenders in 32 reporting states, nearly one-quarter of the total offenders in those states, have failed to comply with registration requirements. Many victim's families and advocates are pushing for probation departments to use tools such as GPS devices to more closely monitor sex offenders. In Suffolk County there are 336 sex offenders on probation; Nassau County has 280.
In September 2004, Gomez was accused of forcing Lois' sister and two other mentally challenged women, all in their 40s and 50s and under his care, to perform oral sex on him. The case was difficult to prove at first. The women were mentally challenged, Gomez denied the accusations and police found no DNA evidence. Then one victim told police she knew Gomez was uncircumcised. Gomez faced felony charges and possible jail time and agreed to a plea deal and was convicted on a misdemeanor, given six years' probation and forced to register as a Level 3 sex offender. In May 2005, he was asked to leave his home by probation officials because a minor, his younger brother, was living at the residence. Then he vanished and a warrant was immediately issued for his arrest.
(New York)
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