Newsday/Denise M. Bonilla
Babylon officials has shelved plans for a law that would limit where sex offenders live intown after concern about a federal suit challenging Suffolk County sex offender residencyrestrictions. Town leaders held off on a vote yesterday after a public hearing on theproposed law, which would make it unlawful for convicted Level 2 and Level 3 sex offenders to livewithin a quarter-mile of a school, child day care center, day camp, park or playground. Offenders would have 30 days to comply or face a fine of up to $2,500 and/or a jail term of up to15 days. Town officials were unaware of the US District Court case involving Duane Moore, asex offender who is challenging the constitutionality of Suffolk County's sex offender law. Town Supervisor Richard Schaffer said he learned of the federal case from Laura Ahearn, of StonyBrook-based Parents for Megan's Law. On the advice of Ahearn and Suffolk County attorneyDennis Cohen, town officials decided to indefinitely table the proposal. Moore, a Level 3registered sex offender, initiated the lawsuit in 2009. He served 19 years in prison afterpleading guilty to first degree rape in 1982. He claims the county law is pre-empted by statelaw. I understand they have good intentions and want to satisfy community concerns, but atthe same time they have to look a little broader at what's happening on a county level andpotentially on a state level, Ahearn said.
(New York)
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