UNKNOWN SUSPECT – BILLERICA – 20050179 (1822)      


Assault, March 14, 2005
Suspect 1822
Rape - Billerica - 3/14/05
March 14, 2005
Billerica : parking lot

Case Details:
A woman parked her car near an atm machine, exited the car, was grabbed from behind. She wasdragged several feet, pushed to the ground, and raped.

If you have any information about the identity of this person or where they are, pleasecontact:

Billerica PD: (978) 671-0900
Investigator: Detective Richard Nestor
Case Submission No.: 20050179



Message from Executive Director Laura A. Ahearn: Parents for Megan's Law andthe Crime Victims Center provides advocacy, counseling and other valuable support services to childand adult victims of sexual assault and to all victims of violent crime.  Please visit ourwebsite at www.parentsformeganslaw.org for news, information and resources in yourcommunity.


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