New York Post
Cristian Saliadarre, 28, and Anthony Alvarez, 27, were arrested on charges of having sex with a14 year old girl living at a shelter for abused children. The two men were actors who appeared onAmerica's Most Wanted. The alleged acts occurred in January after a film crew finished shooting ascene in an alley next to the Children of the Night shelter. One of the men climbed through awindow into the shelter, which houses sexually abused teens and former prostitutes, and had sexwith the girl in her room. She later climbed out the window and had sex with the other man in thealley. Attorneys for the men said their clients did not know the girl was 14 and the girl, who isnow 15, told the Los Angeles Times she had consensual sex with both men. Saliadarre surrendered topolice Wednesday and Alvarez was arrested two weeks ago. Both men pleaded innocent to charges ofsodomy and oral copulation with a person under 16. If they are convicted, they face up to 44 monthsin prison.
(Los Angeles, California)
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