BARRING ABUSERS (Bishops to remove priests for any offense, past or present)
The nation's prelates voted overwhelmingly Friday to permanently remove from public ministry any priest who has ever molested a child, even if it was a single act committed long ago. This is a defining moment for the Roman Catholic Church in America.
Highlights of national policy on disciplining priests approved Friday by the US Conference of Catholic Bishops:
- Bars priests who commit sexual abuse from parish work and all public ministry.
- Allows bishops, acting on the advice of an advisory board comprised mainly of lay people, to decide whether to oust abusive clergy from the priesthood.
- Bishops must report all allegations of abuse of minors to civil authorities.
- Bishops should no longer make confidentiality agreements in settlements of civil lawsuits over sex abuse unless the victim insists.
- Requires background checks for all diocesan and parish workers who have contact with children.
- Requires bishops to provide an accurate and complete description of a priest's personnel record if the cleric seeks to transfer to another diocese.
- Directs research into how the US church has responded to sex abuse by priests.
- Creates a national Office for Child and Youth Protection in the US Conference of Catholic Bishops to implement safe environment programs and take other actions to protect children from abuse.
- Crates a review board, including parents, to work with the Child Protection Office to annually examine how the bishops are responding to abuse.
- Has dioceses establish an outreach program to support victims of priestly sexual abuse.
(Dallas, Texas)
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