For Teens and Older Kids

For Teens and Older Kids

Asking for consent and giving consent for any behavior is very important. You have the right to say “no” to any behavior that you do not want to engage in at any point, for any reason, and your partner must respect your decision.
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Consent is like being ruler of your own country...population: YOU.
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What is Sexual Assault? Talking about sexual consent can be uncomfortable but it's important to understand what behaviors are categorized as Sexual Assault. Check out our new video to learn more.
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In order for people to consent to sexual behaviors, they must be able to consent, which means they are not under the influence of drugs or alcohol and are at an age at which the law says they can consent​. Each state in the U.S. has a different age at which a person can consent to sexual behaviors. The age of consent is between 16 and 18 years old, depending on which state you live in. Watch the full video to learn more about consent.
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Sex Trafficking​ happens when on person causes another to take part in sexual behaviors to gain something of value. Anyone could be a trafficker, including someone a person knows or trusts. Sex Trafficking is always illegal and never the fault of the victim. Watch the full video to learn more about Sex Trafficking and how you can help someone in need by telling a trusted adult.
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Being connected to your friends, family, and everyone else online can be awesome! But nothing we do online is really private, including social media, text messages and even the apps you use on your own phone!

Don’t worry, you’re in control of how much or how little you want to share with your friends, your networks, and the world. As long as you know how to use social media and the internet safely, you can protect yourself!
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The internet can be an amaze-ing place to explore, but it's also good to practice online safety. Some tips include being careful about sharing personal information, reporting anyone who makes you feel uncomfortable online, and getting familiar with privacy settings. For more, check out the video!
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Do you know what body image is? Body image is how you think about what your body looks like and how you compare it to the other bodies you see on the street, on TV, in magazines, in movies and commercials. In fact, you've probably only seen a few kinds of bodies over and over again. This might trick you into thinking there are only two kinds of acceptable bodies for men and women and that you're constantly comparing yourself to them. You'll sometimes feel like you fall short, like you're not doing enough, or you, yourself, aren't enough. But, here's the thing—what we consider to be an ideal is constantly changing! Check out our video to learn about positive body image and how you can feel good about your body because it's unique, just like you! 🙂
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Dealing with bullies is really no fun, and it can be hard to know what to do when someone bullies a friend. You don’t have to be a superhero to support a friend who is being bullied. Just being an upstander can go a long way. An upstander is someone who stands up for others when they see bullying​ happening.
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You can call to speak to an advocate any time at our 24/7 Hotline: 631-332-9234