SICKO SEX ED. (1 in 10 schoolkids a victim: study)

An alarming new study reveals that one student out of every 10 is a victim of sexual misconduct by teachers and other school employees.  Here are the shocking numbers behind the nationwide sex-assault crisis in our schools.

- 4.5 million children are affected

- Teachers make up 18% of offenders

- 57% of victims are girls

- 43% of victims are boys

The attackers:

Coach - 15%

Substitute Teacher - 13%

Bus Driver - 12%

Teacher's Aide - 11%

Other school employee - 10%

Security Guard - 10%

Principal - 6%

Counselor - 5%

Percentage of students who are sexual-misconduct victims:

White Male - 24.7%

White Female - 26.8%

Black Male - 10.1%

Black Female - 10.6%

Hispanic Male - 5.1%

Hispanic Female - 10.8%

American Indian Male - 1.5%

American Indian Female - 1.5%

Asian Male - 0%

Asian Female - 0.5%