New York Post/Laura Italiano

When Arohn Kee was 29,the serial killer rapist who preyed on teen girls in Harlem, stood at thedefense table, apologizing for his crimes, for the first time, in a pre sentencing statement whenthe Maximo Duverge, 31, leapt from the back row. Kee had killed Duverge's cousin Johalis Castro,19, in 1997 and may have set her body on fire while she was still alive. Court officers heldDuverge back before he could attack Kee, who had just tearily told the packed room, I am sorry.Kee will serve life without parole for raping and asphyxiating Rashed Washington, 18, in 1998. Hereceived additional life sentences for murdering Castro and Paola Illera, who was only 13 when Keesexually assaulted and strangled her in 1991. For good measure, the judge gave him 400 more yearsfor his rapes of four other girls, aged 13 through 15. Kee's youngest rape victim, a tiny 13 yearold had testified that he told her, Shut up, and take it like a woman, while sodomizing her in astairwell. When Kee asked to be excused from listening to the prosecutors scathing summation,Supreme Court Justice Joan Sudolnik denied his request telling him, Why don't you take it like aman.

Kee, now 33, was penitent and oddly cheerful as he was sentenced to a 20 year prison term forraping the 17 year old girl, a decade old attack in which the DNA caught up with him only thisyear.

(Harlem, New York)