
Terry Norton, a sex offender, along with other sex offenders and predators, who live underthe Julia Tuttle Causeway huddle in their cars, nylon tents and wooden shacks.  Those livingunder the Tuttle say they've been forgotten.  This week, during the South Floridarecord-setting cold snap, they say they were turned away the county's homeless shelters becausethey are sex offenders.  Under state law, sex offenders can't live within 1,000 feet ofschools, daycare centers, parks or other area where kids congregate.  Miami-Dade has stricterrequirements, a 2,500 foot ban.  Ron Book, head of Miami-Dade's Homeless Trust, concedes thatas sex offenders and predators, they aren't able to stay in the shelters.  The county has hadworkers out there handing out blankets but there's little else that can be done that hasn't alreadybeen tried.  Finding landlords who will accept them is increasingly difficult and some, thoughnot all, of the offenders refuse to leave.  Anywhere from 34 to 70 sex predators and offendersstill live under or near the bridge.  Book has placed 40-45 of them so, and he says his agencywill continue its effort. 