Authorities would like to speak with anyone who may have information concerningthe murder or abduction victims, Charles and Jennifer Chia, at or near the Timber Hills apartmentcomplex in Southwest Reno, Nevada on October 18, 1989. At approximately 3:20 pm on October18th, Charles, 8, and Jennifer, 6, exited their school bus near their residence. Afterexiting the bus they walked across the street with a friend and were last seen walking toward theirapartment. Charles was wearing a long-sleeve white shirt, a blue pullover, blue jeans and wascarrying a dark blue and red backpack. Jennifer was wearing a white dress with black dots,white socks, light green shoes and was carrying both a blue tote bag and a Miss Piggy lunchpail. On July 25, 1990, the skeletal remains of Charles and Jennifer were discovered in ashallow grave next to Highway 70 in Plumas County, California, which is approximately 50 miles fromReno, Nevada.
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