The president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops says a report on whether dioceses are implementing a mandatory discipline plan for sexually abusive priests will show that the bishops have kept our word to punish offenders and protect children.

Bishop William Gregory said in an interview broadcast on ABC News' This Week, that the audit found that diocese are either in full compliance or in the process of working toward compliance.

Victims of sexual abuse by priests blasted the report, saying that auditors assessing how the nation's Roman Catholic bishops implemented new sexual abuse policies talked to a too small and skewed group of victims.  This is largely glorified, voluntary self-reporting, Barbara Blaine, founder and president of the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests, known as SNAP, said in an interview yesterday.  The bishops defined the rules of the game.  They figured out who was going to play.  They hired the umpires.  And now, surprise, they're claiming victory.  This report, the first of the three, examines how each diocese in the country has implemented the Dallas Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People, which pledged greater transparency and zero tolerance for offending priests.  Later reports will assess the scope and causes of the crisis.
