Newsday/Eden Laikin
Two Long Island men, one from Suffolk and one from Nassau, were arrested yesterday on childpornography charges then released on the condition that they be monitored at home.
Christopher Aquino, 41, of 110 Bayberry Lane, Levittown, posted to the Internet photos andvideos of nude underage girls and boys in sexually explicit positions. He is charged withinterstate transportation of child pornography for posting 163 photos onto personal Web pages,including MySpace. If convicted, he faces a maximum of 20 years in prison, sex offenderregistration, a life term of supervised release and a $250,000 fine.
Richard Sottile, 53, of 130 N. 9th Street, Lindenhurst, was charged with possession of childpornography after authorities said that as a member of a child pornography Web site, he savedimages and video clips he downloaded onto more than a hundred video tapes. Confiscated tapesinclude underage girls having sex with adult men.
Both men were ordered to have no unsupervised contact with children.
(New York)
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