The Christin Lamb Foundation, named for 8 year old Christin Lamb of Wyoming, is a non-profitcorporation. The Foundation was created by Christin's family, friends and volunteers and governedby a board of directors. In addition to providing education, and assisting in the recovery of,missing children, the Foundation provides help to families with missing children quickly locate theneeded resources, and provide them with guidelines to help find their missing children. Christinwas abducted, sexually assaulted and murdered on July 19, 1998, in Powell, Wyoming. Her body wasfound 2 1/2 weeks later in the Powell landfill and a man who had once been charged with a sexoffense against a child pleaded guilty to raping and murdering the girl and was sentenced to lifein prison without parole. Christin's mother asked a Senate committee to recommend a bill that wouldrequire more residents to be informed when a convicted sex offender moves into their neighborhood.The committee voted 5-0 to recommend House Bill 77 to the Senate. The measure would generallyimplement provisions of the federal Jacob Wetterling Crimes Against Children and Sexually ViolentOffender Registration Act.