Anthony Richardson, a 38 year old Bronx dentist, was acquitted of charges that he raped ateenage employee in his Grand Concourse office. The girl testified that she reported to theoffice for her first day of work and he offered her a quick checkup. She said Richardson gaveher a dose of nitrous oxide then carried her limp body into his office, where he raped her twice onhis desk. Afterward, she said he carried her back to the dental chair and later gave her $20as a reward. It was the third time in eight years that he beat a rape rap. He wascleared of the most recent charges, charging that he gassed, then raped, the 16 year old girl hehired for the summer. In 1987, he was indicted on charges that he raped a woman after dullingher senses with nitrous oxide gas in his dental office. In 1989 he went on trial again forallegedly raping a friend's 9 year old daughter in his office, his home and the girl's home.
(New York)
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