Josner Bueno, a 31 year old Newtown High School social studies teacher, is charged with sodomy and rape, which carries a possible 4-year prison term for having an alleged sexual relationship with a 16 year old student.  Bueno, a fourth-year evening law student at St. John's University, was picked up Thursday at Fort Sill in Lawton, Oklahoma, where he was on active duty in the Judge Adjutant General's office as a result of the September 11 attacks.  An unidentified high school student, angry that Bueno was spotted canoodling with his girlfriend, helped blow the whistle on the teacher's alleged sexual relationship with another schoolgirl.  The boyfriend was so angry when he heard about the reputed kiss between his girlfriend and the teacher that he came to school looking to kill the teacher.  That prompted the girl to confess she shared an embrace with the Bueno and then she ultimately steered investigators to another girl who she claimed may have been dating Bueno.  The 16 year old admitted engaging in oral sex with him in a classroom closet and that she had sexual intercourse with him in his car last December.  Bueno was arraigned and released on $5,000 bail.