Megan’s Law for Alabama

Megan’s Law for Alabama

updated 9/30/2024

Contact Person: Sex Offender Registry Unit public line at (334) 676-7898
Offenders Required to Register: A person convicted of a sex crime, regardless of jurisdiction where crime occurred.
Information Collected: Name, address (temporary and permanent), employment/schooling information, sex, age, physical description, current photograph, and a statement of the sex crime or crimes for which the offender has completed sentence, date of release and DNA sample. As well as everything required under the Adam Walsh Act.
Administrating Agency: Alabama Law Enforcement Agency, local law enforcement.
Timeframe for Registration: Within 3 days of release.
Applies to Out of State Offenders: Yes. Quarterly.
Duration of Requirement: Life
Verification of Address: Yes
Penalties for Non-Compliance: Felony – 1 to 10 years imprisonment and up to $1,000 fine.
Access to Information: Notification by mail and by posting copy of mailed notice in a prominent place at city hall and police station closest to declared residence of released offender. Extent of notification dependent upon population density in area of offenders residence: notification to all persons with residences within 1,500 feet of offender in all other cities with a resident population of 5,000 or more; notification to all persons with residences within 2,000 feet of offender in all other municipalities with a resident population of less than 5,000; notification within 1,000 feet in Birmingham, Mobile, Huntsville and Montgomery.
Confidentiality Provision: No
Number Registered:

Offenders            Total                    Published 

Active                    11,373               9,625

Inactive                  1043                    54

Incarcerated          2,107                  838

Out of Area            4,994                 779

Deceased               3,123                  106

Reg. Expired           1,285                 6

Absconded             186                    111

Total                        24,113              11,519

900 Non compliant


Percent Compliance:

Based on information reported by local law enforcement, approximately 900 offenders are Non-Compliant, absconded, or unknown status.

95.7% of registered offenders are compliant or currently incarcerated.

Internet Access: Alabama Sex Offender Registry