Megan’s Law for Florida

Megan’s Law for Florida

updated 9/30/2024

Contact Person: Sexual Offender/Predator Hotline 1-888-FL-PREDATOR or 1-888 357-7332
Offenders Required to Register: Sexual predators (a higher level of offense) convicted for committing, or attempting to commit, any of the qualifying crimes specified in Florida Statute, and whose date of offense was committed on or after October 1, 1993, and where the court has issued an order designation the subject a sexual predator. Sexual offenders convicted for committing, or attempting, soliciting, or conspiring to commit, any of the qualifying crimes specified in Florida Statute and released on or after October 1, 1997. Juvenile offenders convicted as adults. Persons required to register in another state or jurisdiction as an offender or predator. Juveniles adjudicated delinquent on or after July 1, 2007, for committing, or attempting, soliciting, or conspiring to commit, any of the qualifying crimes specified in Florida Statute when the juvenile was 14 years of age or older at the time of the offense.
Information Collected: Name, SSN, race, sex, DOB, height, weight, hair color, eye color, photograph, address(es), telephone number(s), date & place of employment, fingerprints, palm prints, date and place of each conviction, description of crime(s), tattoos or identifying marks, occupation, vehicle description, email addresses and other internet identifiers, passport information, immigration status/documentation, professional licenses, DNA and other genetic markers.
Administrating Agency: Florida Department of Law Enforcement, local law enforcement.
Timeframe for Registration: Within 48 hours of establishing a residence; being released from the custody, control, or supervision of the Department of Corrections or a private correctional facility; being convicted for a qualifying offense if the offender is not in the custody or control of, or under the supervision of the Department of Corrections or a private correctional facility or changing address.
Applies to Out of State Offenders: Yes
Duration of Requirement: Registration is required for life, unless a full pardon is issued or the conviction is set aside in a post-conviction proceeding for any offense that met the criteria for the sexual predator/offender designation.In accordance with guidelines set forth in the federal Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act of 2006, Florida registration law was amended, effective July 1, 2007, and removed the ability for a sexual predator to petition the court for removal of the sexual predator designation.Certain individuals required to register as a sexual offender who have been lawfully released from confinement, supervision, or sanction, whichever is later, for at least 25 years and have not been arrested for any felony or misdemeanor offense since release, may petition the criminal division of the circuit court in the circuit where the conviction or adjudication occurred to remove the sexual offender designation. The state attorney in the circuit in which the petition is filed must be given notice of the petition at least 3 weeks before the hearing. The court has discretion to grant or deny the petition providing it does not conflict with requirements of the federal Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act of 2006 and any other applicable federal provisions.
Verification of Address: Decision of local law enforcement or sheriff’s office.
Penalties for Non-Compliance: Third degree felony.
Access to Information: The general public has access to SOR information through the FDLE Internet Website (below), through a toll-free phone line (1-888-357-7332), and through fliers and leaflets produced for community notification on registrants.
Confidentiality Provision: Yes
Number Registered: 16,244 predators, 69,441 sexual offenders, and 557 juvenile sexual offenders as of 9/30/2024
Percent Compliance: As of 9/30/2024, 641 registrants are absconded from registration; 448 registrants are absconded from probation; and 0 registrants are absconded from the supervision of the Florida Department of Juvenile Justice.
Internet access: The State indexes are the most complete: