Megan’s Law for Iowa

Megan’s Law for Iowa

updated 3/3/2023

Contact Person: Iowa Sex Offender Registry – Division of Criminal Investigation: Phone (515) 725 6050 or (515) 725 6038
Offenders Required to Register: 692A.101 DEFINITIONS.


As used in this chapter and unless the context otherwise requires:

26. “Sex offender” means a person who is required to be registered under this chapter.


  1. A person who has been convicted of any sex offense classified as a tier I, tier II, or tier III offense, or an offender required to register in another jurisdiction under the other jurisdiction’s sex offender registry, shall register as a sex offender as provided in this chapter if the offender resides, is employed, or attends school in this state. A sex offender shall, upon a first or subsequent conviction, register in compliance with the procedures specified in this chapter, for the duration of time specified in this chapter, commencing as follows:

a)      From the date of placement on probation.

b)      From the date of release on parole or work release.

c)       From the date of release from incarceration.

d)      Except as otherwise provided in this section, from the date an adjudicated delinquent is released from placement in a juvenile facility ordered by a court pursuant to section 232.52.

e)      Except as otherwise provided in this section, from the date an adjudicated delinquent commences attendance as a student at a public or private educational institution, other than an educational institution located on the real property of a juvenile facility if the juvenile has been ordered placed at such facility pursuant to section 232.52.

f)       From the date of conviction for a sex offense requiring registration if probation, incarceration, or placement ordered pursuant to section 232.52 in a juvenile facility is not included in the sentencing, order, or decree of the court, except as otherwise provided in this section for juvenile cases.

  1. A sex offender is not required to register while incarcerated. However, the running of the period of registration is tolled pursuant to section 692A.107 if a sex offender is incarcerated.
  2. A juvenile adjudicated delinquent for an offense that requires registration shall be required to register as required in this chapter unless the juvenile court waives the requirement and finds that the person should not be required to register under this chapter.
  3. Notwithstanding subsections 3 and 5, a juvenile fourteen years of age or older at the time the offense was committed shall be required to register if the adjudication was for an offense committed by force or the threat of serious violence, by rendering the victim unconscious, or by involuntary drugging of the victim. At the time of adjudication the judge shall make a determination as to whether the offense was committed by force or the threat of serious violence, by rendering the victim unconscious, or by involuntary drugging of the victim.
  4. If a juvenile is required to register pursuant to subsection 3, the juvenile court may, upon motion of the juvenile, and after reasonable notice to the parties and hearing, modify or suspend the registration requirements if good cause is shown.

a)      The motion to modify or suspend shall be made and the hearing shall occur prior to the discharge of the juvenile from the jurisdiction of the juvenile court for the sex offense that requires registration.

b)      If at the time of the hearing the juvenile is participating in an appropriate outpatient treatment program for juvenile sex offenders, the juvenile court may enter orders temporarily suspending the requirement that the juvenile register and may defer entry of a final order on the matter until such time that the juvenile has completed or been discharged from the outpatient treatment program.

c)       Final orders shall then be entered within thirty days from the date of the juvenile’s completion or discharge from outpatient treatment.

d)      Any order entered pursuant to this subsection that modifies or suspends the requirement to register shall include written findings stating the reason for the modification or suspension, and shall include appropriate restrictions upon the juvenile to protect the public during any period of time the registry requirements are modified or suspended. Upon entry of an order modifying or suspending the requirement to register, the juvenile court shall notify the superintendent or the superintendent’s designee where the juvenile is enrolled of the decision.

e)      This subsection does not apply to a juvenile fourteen years of age or older at the time the offense was committed if the adjudication was for a sex offense committed by force or the threat of serious violence, by rendering the victim unconscious, or by involuntary drugging of the victim.

  1. If a juvenile is required to register and the court later modifies or suspends the order regarding the requirement to register, the court shall notify the department within five days of the decision.


  1. A sex offender shall appear in person to register with the sheriff of each county where the offender has a residence, maintains employment, or is in attendance as a student, within five business days of being required to register under section 692A.103 by providing all relevant information to the sheriff. A sheriff shall accept the registration of any person who is required to register in the county pursuant to the provisions of this chapter.
  2. A sex offender shall, within five business days of changing a residence, employment, or attendance as a student, appear in person to notify the sheriff of each county where a change has occurred.
  3. A sex offender shall, within five business days of a change in relevant information other than relevant information enumerated in subsection 2, notify the sheriff of the county where the principal residence of the offender is maintained about the change to the relevant information. The department shall establish by rule what constitutes proper notification under this subsection.
  4. A sex offender who is required to verify information pursuant to the provisions of section 692A.108 is only required to appear in person in the county where the principal residence of the offender is maintained to verify such information.
  5. A sex offender shall, within five business days of the establishment of a residence, employment, or attendance as a student in another jurisdiction, appear in person to notify the sheriff of the county where the principal residence of the offender is maintained, about the establishment of a residence, employment, or attendance in another jurisdiction. A sex offender shall, within five business days of establishing a new residence, employment, or attendance as a student in another jurisdiction, register with the registering agency of the other jurisdiction, if the offender is required to register under the laws of the other jurisdiction. The department shall notify the registering agency in the other jurisdiction of the sex offender’s new residence, employment, or attendance as a student in the other jurisdiction.
  6. A sex offender, who has multiple residences in this state, shall appear in person to notify the sheriff of each county where a residence is maintained, of the dates the offender will reside at each residence including the date when the offender will move from one residence to another residence.
  7. Except as provided in subsection 8, the initial or subsequent registration and any notifications required in subsections 1, 2, 4, 5, and 6 shall be by appearance at the sheriff’s office and completion of the initial or subsequent registration or notification shall be on a printed form, which shall be signed and dated by the sex offender. If the sheriff uses an electronic form to complete the initial registration or notification, the electronic form shall be printed upon completion and signed and dated by the sex offender. The sheriff shall transmit the registration or notification form completed by the sex offender within five business days by paper copy, or electronically, using procedures established by the department by rule.
  8. The collection of relevant information by a court or releasing agency under section 692A.109 shall serve as the sex offender’s initial or subsequent registration for purposes of this section. However, the sex offender shall register by appearing in person in the county of residence to verify the offender’s arrival and relevant information. The court or releasing agency shall forward a copy of the registration to the department within five business days of completion of registration using procedures established by the department by rule.


In addition to the registration provisions specified in section 692A.104, a sex offender, within five business days of a change, shall also appear in person to notify the sheriff of the county of principal residence, of any location in which the offender is staying when away from the principal residence of the offender for more than five days, by identifying the location and the period of time the offender is staying in such location.


  1. The registration requirements of this chapter shall apply to sex offenders convicted on or after the effective date of this Act (July 1, 2009) of a sex offense classified under section 692A.102.
  2. The registration requirements of this chapter shall apply to a sex offender convicted of a sex offense or a comparable offense under prior law prior to July 1, 2009 under the following circumstances:

a)      Any sex offender including a juvenile offender who is required to be on the sex offender registry as of June 30, 2009.

b)      Any sex offender who is incarcerated on or after July 1, 2009, for conviction of a sex offense committed prior to July 1, 2009.

c)       Any sex offender who is serving a special sentence pursuant to section 903B.1 or 903B.2 prior to July 1, 2009, or any other person who is sentenced for a criminal offense prior to July 1, 2009, that requires serving a special sentence.

3.       For an offense requiring registration due to sexual motivation, the registration requirements of section 692A.126 shall apply to a person convicted of an offense if the department makes the determination that the offense was sexually motivated as provided in section 692A.126, subsection 2.

4.       For a sex offender required to register pursuant to subsection 1 or 2, each conviction or adjudication for a sex offense requiring registration, regardless of whether such conviction or adjudication occurred prior to, on, or after July 1, 2009, shall be included in determining the tier requirements pursuant to this chapter.

5.       An offender on the sex offender registry as of June 30, 2009, and who is required to be on the registry on or after July 1, 2009, shall be credited for any time on the registry prior to July 1, 2009.

Information Collected: Fingerprints, social security number, photograph, current address, telephone number and additional relevant information not including information identifying the victim.692A.101 DEFINITIONS.As used in this chapter and unless the context otherwise requires:23. a. “Relevant information” means the following information with respect to a sex offender:


  1. Criminal history, including warrants, articles, status of parole, probation, or supervised release, date of arrest, date of conviction, and registration status.
  2. Date of birth.
  3. Passport and immigration documents.
  4. Government issued driver’s license or identification card.
  5. DNA sample.
  6. Educational institutions attended as a student, including the name and address of such institutions.
  7. Employment information including name and address of employer.
  8. Fingerprints.
  9. Internet identifiers.
  10. Names, nicknames, aliases, or ethnic or tribal names, and if applicable, the real names of an offender protected under 18 U.S.C. § 3521.
  11. Palm prints.
  12. Photographs.
  13. Physical description, including scars, marks, or tattoos.
  14. Professional licensing information.
  15. Residence.
  16. Social security number.
  17. Telephone numbers, including any landline or wireless numbers.
  18. Temporary lodging information, including dates when residing in temporary lodging.
  19. Statutory citation and text of offense committed that requires registration under this chapter.
  20. Vehicle information for a vehicle owned or operated by an offender including license plate number, registration number, or other identifying number, vehicle description, and the permanent or frequent locations where the vehicle is parked, docked, or otherwise kept.
  21. The name, gender, and date of birth of each person residing in the residence.
Administrating Agency: Iowa Department of Public Safety, Division of Criminal Investigation
Timeframe for Registration: An individual required by law to register with the Iowa Sex Offender Registry must report any change of address or telephone number within 5 business days of the change for the entire registration period. When moving within the same county, the current county sheriff must be notified (Changes in residence require in person notification). When moving to a different county within the state of Iowa, the registrant must report a change of residence to both the sheriff of the county in which the residence has been established and to the sheriff of the county in which they were registered. Reporting a change of residence, name, or telephone number is also required when an individual moves out of the state of Iowa.692A.101 DEFINITIONS.As used in this chapter and unless the context otherwise requires:


  1. “Appearance” means to appear in person at a sheriff’s office.
  2. “Business day” means every day except Saturday, Sunday, or any paid holiday for county employees in the applicable county.
  3. “Change” means to add, begin, or terminate.
  4. “Employee” means an offender who is self-employed, employed by another, and includes a person working under contract, or acting or serving as a volunteer, regardless of whether the self-employment, employment by another, or volunteerism is performed for compensation.
  5. “Employment” means acting as an employee.
  6. “Habitually lives” means living in a place with some regularity, and with reference to where the sex offender actually lives, which could be some place other than a mailing address or primary address but would entail a place where the sex offender lives on an intermittent basis.


  1. A sex offender shall appear in person to register with the sheriff of each county where the offender has a residence, maintains employment, or is in attendance as a student, within five business days of being required to register under section 692A.103 by providing all relevant information to the sheriff. A sheriff shall accept the registration of any person who is required to register in the county pursuant to the provisions of this chapter.
  2. A sex offender shall, within five business days of changing a residence, employment, or attendance as a student, appear in person to notify the sheriff of each county where a change has occurred.
  3. A sex offender shall, within five business days of a change in relevant information other than relevant information enumerated in subsection 2, notify the sheriff of the county where the principal residence of the offender is maintained about the change to the relevant information. The department shall establish by rule what constitutes proper notification under this subsection.
  4. A sex offender who is required to verify information pursuant to the provisions of section 692A.108 is only required to appear in person in the county where the principal residence of the offender is maintained to verify such information.
  5. A sex offender shall, within five business days of the establishment of a residence, employment, or attendance as a student in another jurisdiction, appear in person to notify the sheriff of the county where the principal residence of the offender is maintained, about the establishment of a residence, employment, or attendance in another jurisdiction. A sex offender shall, within five business days of establishing a new residence, employment, or attendance as a student in another jurisdiction, register with the registering agency of the other jurisdiction, if the offender is required to register under the laws of the other jurisdiction. The department shall notify the registering agency in the other jurisdiction of the sex offender’s new residence, employment, or attendance as a student in the other jurisdiction.
  6. A sex offender, who has multiple residences in this state, shall appear in person to notify the sheriff of each county where a residence is maintained, of the dates the offender will reside at each residence including the date when the offender will move from one residence to another residence.
  7. Except as provided in subsection 8, the initial or subsequent registration and any notifications required in subsections 1, 2, 4, 5, and 6 shall be by appearance at the sheriff’s office and completion of the initial or subsequent registration or notification shall be on a printed form, which shall be signed and dated by the sex offender. If the sheriff uses an electronic form to complete the initial registration or notification, the electronic form shall be printed upon completion and signed and dated by the sex offender. The sheriff shall transmit the registration or notification form completed by the sex offender within five business days by paper copy, or electronically, using procedures established by the department by rule.
  8. The collection of relevant information by a court or releasing agency under section 692A.109 shall serve as the sex offender’s initial or subsequent registration for purposes of this section. However, the sex offender shall register by appearing in person in the county of residence to verify the offender’s arrival and relevant information. The court or releasing agency shall forward a copy of the registration to the department within five business days of completion of registration using procedures established by the department by rule
Applies to Out of State Offenders: Yes692A.101 DEFINITIONS.As used in this chapter and unless the context otherwise requires:


  1. “Convicted” means found guilty of, pleads guilty to, or is sentenced or adjudicated delinquent for an act which is an indictable offense in this state or in another jurisdiction including in a federal, military, tribal, or foreign court, including but not limited to a juvenile who has been adjudicated delinquent, but whose juvenile court records have been sealed under section 232.150, and a person who has received a deferred sentence or a deferred judgment or has been acquitted by reason of insanity. “Conviction” includes the conviction of a juvenile prosecuted as an adult. “Convicted” also includes a conviction for an attempt or conspiracy to commit an offense. “Convicted” does not mean a plea, sentence, adjudication, deferred sentence, or deferred judgment which has been reversed or otherwise set aside.
  2. “Foreign court” means a court of a foreign nation that is recognized by the United States department of state that enforces the right to a fair trial during the period in which a conviction occurred.
  3. “Jurisdiction” means any state of the United States, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, Guam, American Samoa, the Northern Mariana Islands, the United States Virgin Islands, or a federally recognized Indian tribe.
    Significant information for persons who come to Iowa from another state:
    The offense for which they were convicted is compared to Iowa offenses.
Duration of Requirement: An individual required by law to register with the Iowa Sex Offender Registry must do so for a period of 10 (ten) years. The 10-year time period will recommence upon probation/parole revocations. Upon subsequent sex-related convictions, the registrant’s registration period changes to lifetime or if a registrant is convicted of an “aggravated offense” he/she must register for life.



  1. Except as otherwise provided in section 232.54,692A.103, or 692A.128, or this section, the duration of registration required under this chapter shall be for a period of ten years. The registration period shall begin as provided in section 692A.103.
  2. A sex offender who has been sentenced to a special sentence under section 903B.1 or 903B.2, shall be required to register for a period equal to the term of the special sentence, but in no case not less than the period specified in subsection 1.

3.       If a sex offender is placed on probation, parole, or work release and the probation, parole, or work release is revoked, the period of registration shall commence anew upon release from custody.

4.       A sex offender who is convicted of violating any of the requirements of this chapter shall register for an additional ten years, commencing from the date the offender’s registration would have expired under subsection 1 or, in the case of an offender who has been sentenced to a special sentence under section 903B.1 or 903B.2, commencing from the date the offender’s registration would have expired under subsection 2.

5.       A sex offender shall, upon a second or subsequent conviction that requires a second registration, or upon conviction of an aggravated offense, or who has previously been convicted of one or more offenses that would have required registration under this chapter, register for life.

6.       A sexually violent predator shall register for life.

7.       If a sex offender ceases to maintain a residence, employment, or attendance as a student in this state, the offender shall no longer be required to register, and the offender shall be placed on inactive status and relevant information shall not be placed on the sex offender registry internet site, after the department verifies that the offender has complied with the registration requirements in another jurisdiction. If the sex offender subsequently reestablishes residence, employment, or attendance as a student in this state, the registration requirement under this chapter shall apply and the department shall remove the offender from inactive status and place any relevant information and any updated relevant information in the possession of the department on the sex offender registry internet site.


  1. If a sex offender is incarcerated during a period of registration, the running of the period of registration is tolled until the offender is released from incarceration for that crime.
  2. If a sex offender violates any requirements of section 692A.104, 692A.105, 692A.108, 692A.112, 692A.113, 692A.114, or 692A.115, in addition to any criminal penalty prescribed for such violation, the period of registration is tolled until the offender complies with the registration provisions of this chapter.


As used in this chapter and unless the context otherwise requires:

  1. “Aggravated offense” means a conviction for any of the following offenses:
  2. Sexual abuse in the first degree in violation of section 709.2.
  3. Sexual abuse in the second degree in violation of section 709.3.
  4. Sexual abuse in the third degree in violation of section 709.4, subsection 1, paragraph “a”.
  5. Lascivious acts with a child in violation of section 709.8, subsection 1, paragraph “a” or “b”
  6. Assault with intent to commit sexual abuse in violation of section 709.11.
  7. Burglary in the first degree in violation of section 713.3, subsection 1, paragraph “d”.
  8. Kidnapping, if sexual abuse as defined in section 709.1 is committed during the commission of the offense.
  9. Murder in violation of section 707.2 or 707.3, if sexual abuse as defined in section 709.1 is committed during the offense.
  10. Any conviction for an offense specified in the laws of another jurisdiction or any conviction for an offense prosecuted in federal, military, or foreign court, that is comparable to an offense listed in paragraph “a” shall be considered an aggravated offense for purposes of registering under this chapter.

Failure to cooperate with and complete the annual verification process may result in an additional ten years of registration

Verification of Address: See 692A.108 for the verification process.


In conjunction with the annual verification process, registrants must submit a recent photograph at least once annually.


As used in this chapter and unless the context otherwise requires:

  1. “Appearance” means to appear in person at a sheriff’s office.
  2. “Principal residence” for a sex offender means:

a)      The residence of the offender, if the offender has only one residence in this state.

b)      The residence at which the offender resides, sleeps, or habitually lives for more days per year than another residence in this state, if the offender has more than one residence in this state.

c)       The place of employment or attendance as a student, or both, if the sex offender does not have a residence in this state.

  1. “Residence” means each dwelling or other place where a sex offender resides, sleeps, or habitually lives, or will reside, sleep, or habitually live, including a shelter or group home. If a sex offender does not reside, sleep, or habitually live in a fixed place, “residence” means a description of the locations where the offender is stationed regularly, including any mobile or transitory living quarters. “Residence” shall be construed to refer to the places where a sex offender resides, sleeps, habitually lives, or is stationed with regularity, regardless of whether the offender declares or characterizes such place as the residence of the offender.


  1. A sex offender who is required to verify information pursuant to the provisions of section 692A.108 is only required to appear in person in the county where the principal residence of the offender is maintained to verify such information.
  2. A sex offender, who has multiple residences in this state, shall appear in person to notify the sheriff of each county where a residence is maintained, of the dates the offender will reside at each residence including the date when the offender will move from one residence to another residence.


  1. A sex offender shall appear in person in the county of principal residence after the offender was initially required to register, to verify residence, employment, and attendance as a student, to allow the sheriff to photograph the offender, and to verify the accuracy of other relevant information during the following time periods after the initial registration:

a)      For a sex offender classified as a tier I offender, every year.

b)      For a sex offender classified as a tier II offender, every six months.

c)       For a sex offender classified as a tier III offender, every three months.

  1. A sheriff may require a sex offender to appear in person more frequently than provided in subsection 1 to verify relevant information if good cause is shown. The circumstances under which more frequent appearances are required shall be reasonable, documented by the sheriff, and provided to the offender and the department in writing. Any modification to such requirement shall also be provided to the sex offender and the department in writing.

a)      At least thirty days prior to an appearance for the verification of relevant information as required by this section, the department shall mail notification of the required appearance to each reported residence of the sex offender. The department shall not be required to mail notification to any sex offender if the residence described or listed in the sex offender’s relevant information is insufficient for the delivery of mail.

b)      The notice shall state that the sex offender shall appear in person in the county of principal residence on or before a date specified in the notice to verify and update relevant information. The notice shall not be forwarded to another address and shall be returned to the department if the sex offender no longer resides at the address.

  1. A photograph of the sex offender shall be updated, at a minimum, annually. The sheriff shall send the updated photograph to the department using procedures established by the department by rule within five business days of the photograph being taken and the department shall post the updated photograph on the sex offender registry’s internet site. The sheriff may require the sex offender to submit to being photographed, fingerprinted, or palm printed, more than once per year during any required appearance to verify relevant information.
  2. The sheriff may make a reasonable modification to the date requiring a sex offender to make an appearance based on exigent circumstances including man-made or natural disasters. The sheriff shall notify the department of any modification using procedures established by department by rule.

6.       A waiver of the next immediate in-person verification pursuant to this section may be granted at the discretion of the sheriff, if the sex offender appears in person at the sheriff’s office because of changes to relevant information pursuant to section 692A.104 or 692A.105, and if the in-person verification pursuant to this section is within thirty days of such in-person appearance. If a waiver is granted, the sheriff shall notify the department of granting the waiver.

Penalties for Non-Compliance: See Chapter 692A.111.



  1. A sex offender who violates any requirements of section 692A.104, 692A.105, 692A.108, 692A.112, 692A.113, 692A.114, or 692A.115 commits an aggravated misdemeanor for a first offense and a class “D” felony for a second or subsequent offense.  However, a sex offender convicted of an aggravated offense against a minor, a sex offense against a minor, or a sexually violent offense committed while in violation of any of the requirements specified in section 692A.104, 692A.105, 692A.108, 692A.112, 692A.113, 692A.114, or 692A.115 is guilty of a class “C” felony, in addition to any other penalty provided by law.  Any fine imposed for a second or subsequent violation shall not be suspended.  Notwithstanding section 907.3, the court shall not defer judgment or sentence for any violation of any requirements specified in this chapter.  For purposes of this subsection, a violation occurs when a sex offender knows or reasonably should know of the duty to fulfill a requirement specified in this chapter as referenced in the offense charged.
  2. Violations in any other jurisdiction under sex offender registry provisions that are substantially similar to those contained in this section shall be counted as previous offenses. The court shall judicially notice the statutes of other states which are substantially similar to this section.

3.       Any violation of this chapter prior to July 1, 2009, shall be considered a previous offense for purposes of enhancing any penalty or period of registration under this chapter.

4.       A sex offender who violates any provision of this chapter may be prosecuted in any county where registration is required by the provisions of this chapter.

Access to Information: Information about current registrants can be acquired by contacting any Iowa Sheriff’s Office or Police Department or by accessing the Iowa Sex Offender Registry website at The website contains all information available by law to the general public for all current registrants except those who were 18 or 19 years at the time they committed the Iowa offense of Sexual Abuse in the Third Degree where the victim was age 14 or 15. The website may be searched by name, city, county, zip or registrant characteristics. The site also allows users to map registrants in the vicinity of any Iowa address and will be adding a “sex offender alert” e-mail subscription feature in mid-2006. All information options are provided free to the public.


New feature on public website: MOST WANTED


  1. The department shall maintain an internet site for the public and others to access relevant information about sex offenders. The internet site, at a minimum, shall be searchable by name, county, city, zip code, and geographic radius.
  2. The department shall provide updated or corrected relevant information within five business days of the information being updated or corrected, from the sex offender registry to the following:
  3. A criminal or juvenile justice agency, an agency of the state, a sex offender registry of another jurisdiction, or the federal government.
  4. The general public through the sex offender registry internet site.
  5. The following relevant information about a sex offender shall be disclosed on the internet site:

a)      The date of birth.

b)      The name, nickname, aliases, including ethnic or tribal names.

c)       Photographs.

d)      The physical description, including scars, marks, or tattoos.

e)      The residence.

f)       The statutory citation and text of the offense committed that requires registration under this chapter.

g)      A specific reference indicating whether a particular sex offender is subject to residency restrictions pursuant to section 692A.114.

h)      A specific reference indicating whether a particular sex offender is subject to exclusion zone restrictions pursuant to section 692A.113.

  1. The following relevant information shall not be disclosed on the internet site:

a)      The relevant information about a sex offender who was under twenty years of age at the time the offender committed a violation of section 709.4, subsection 2, paragraph “c“, subparagraph (4).

b)      The employer name, address, or location where a sex offender acts as an employee in any form of employment.

c)       The address and name of any school where a student required to be on the registry attends.

d)      The real name of a sex offender protected under 18 U.S.C. § 3521.

e)      The statutory citation and text of the offense committed for an incest conviction in violation of section 726.2, however, the citation and text of an incest conviction shall be disclosed on the internet site as a conviction of section 709.4 or 709.8.

f)       Any other relevant information not described in subparagraph (1).

  1. The general public through any other means, at the discretion of the department, any relevant information that is available on the internet site.
  2. A criminal or juvenile justice agency may provide relevant information from the sex offender registry to the following:
  3. A criminal or juvenile justice agency, an agency of the state, or a sex offender registry of another jurisdiction, or the federal government.
  4. The general public, any information available to the general public in subsection 2, including public and private agencies, organizations, public places, child care facilities, religious and youth organizations, neighbors, neighborhood associations, community meetings, and employers. The relevant information available to the general public may be distributed to the public through printed materials, visual or audio press releases, radio communications, or through a criminal or juvenile justice agency’s internet site.
  5. When a sex offender moves into a school district or moves within a school district, the county sheriff of the county of the offender’s new residence shall provide relevant information that is available to the general public in subsection 2 to the administrative office of the school district in which the person required to register resides, and shall also provide relevant information to any nonpublic school near the offender’s residence.

a.       A member of the public may contact a county sheriff’s office to request relevant information from the registry regarding a specific sex offender. A person making a request for relevant information may make the request by telephone, in writing, or in person, and the request shall include the name of the person and at least one of the following identifiers pertaining to the sex offender about whom the information is sought:

  1. The date of birth of the person.
  2. The social security number of the person.
  3. The address of the person.
  4. Internet identifiers.
  5. Telephone numbers, including any landline or wireless numbers.
  6. The relevant information made available to the general public pursuant to this subsection shall include all the relevant information provided to the general public on the internet site pursuant to subsection 2, and the following additional relevant information:
  7. Educational institutions attended as a student, including the name and address of such institution.
  8. Employment information including the name and address of employer.
  9. Temporary lodging information, including the dates when residing at the temporary lodging.
  10. Vehicle information.
  11. A county sheriff or police department shall not charge a fee relating to a request for relevant information.
  12. A county sheriff shall also provide to a person upon request access to a list of all registrants in that county.
  13. The following relevant information shall not be provided to the general public:
    1. The identity of the victim.
    2. Arrests not resulting in a conviction.
    3. Passport and immigration documents.
    4. A government issued driver’s license or identification card.
    5. DNA information.
    6. Fingerprints.
    7. Palm prints.
    8. Professional licensing information.
    9. Social security number.
    10. Real name protected under 18 U.S.C. § 3521.
    11. Notwithstanding sections 232.147 through 232.151, records concerning convictions which are committed by a minor may be released in the same manner as records of convictions of adults.
    12. A person may contact the department or a county sheriff’s office to verify if a particular internet identifier or telephone number is one that has been included in a registration by a sex offender.
    13. The department shall include links to sex offender safety information, educational resources pertaining to the prevention of sexual assaults, and the national sex offender registry.
    14. The department shall include on the sex offender registry internet site instructions and any applicable forms necessary for a person seeking correction of information that the person contends is erroneous.
    15. When the department receives and approves registration data, such data shall be made available on the sex offender registry internet site within five business days.
    16. The department shall maintain an automated electronic mail notification system, which shall be available by free subscription to any person, to provide notice of addition, deletion, or changes to any sex offender registration, relevant information within a postal zip code or, if selected by a subscriber, a geographic radius or, if selected by a subscriber, specific to a sex offender.

14.   Sex offender registry records are confidential records not subject to examination and copying by a member of the public and shall only be released as provided in this section.

Confidentiality Provision: Yes
Number Registered: 6,552 as of 3/3/2023
Percent Compliance: 98%
Internet Access: Iowa Sex Offender Registry