updated 10/1/2024
Contact Person: | Gregory Paquet Anthony Winslow
State Bureau of Identification Matthew Ruel |
Offenders Required to Register: |
Administrating Agency: | Maine State Police, State Bureau of Identification. |
Timeframe for Registration: | If sentenced on or after January 1, 1982 Within 5 days from date of release from incarceration or notification.A person who commits criminal conduct and is sentenced on or after January 1, 2013 Within 3 days from date of release from incarceration or notification. |
Applies to Out of State Offenders: | Yes |
Duration of Requirement: | If sentenced on or after January 1, 1982 – 10 years or life time§11202-A.Exception
A person who commits criminal conduct and is sentenced on or after January 1, 2013 Tier I (10 years), Tier II (25 years) and Tier III (Lifetime) |
Verification of Address: | If sentenced on or after January 1, 1982 – 10 years (once a year) annually and Life Time – every 3 months. Any changes must be reported within 5 days to SOR and 24 hours to law enforcement. A person who commits criminal conduct and is sentenced on or after January 1, 2013 – Tier I (10 years) (once a year) annually, Tier II (25 years) every 6 months and Tier III (Lifetime) every 3 months. Any changes must be reported within 3 days to SOR and 24 hours to law enforcement. |
Penalties for Non-Compliance: |
Access to Information: | Upon receiving a written request that includes the name and date of birth of a registrant, the bureau shall provide the following information concerning a registrant to the requestor:
(1) The registrant’s name, aliases, date of birth, sex, race, height, weight, eye color, mailing address and physical location of domicile and residence; (2) The registrant’s place of employment and college or school being attended, if applicable, and the corresponding address and location; (3) A description of the offense for which the registrant was convicted, the date of conviction and the sentence imposed; and (4) The registrant’s photograph. For those who commit criminal conduct and are sentenced on or after January 1, 2013: Upon receiving a written request that includes the name and date of birth of a registrant, the bureau shall provide the following information concerning a registrant to the requestor: (1) The registrant’s name, aliases, date of birth, sex, race, height, weight, eye color, mailing address and physical location of domicile and residence; (2) The registrant’s place of employment and college or school being attended, if applicable, and the corresponding mailing address and physical location; (3) A description of the offense for which the registrant was convicted, the date of conviction and the sentence imposed; and (4) The registrant’s photograph. |
Confidentiality Provision: | Yes. §11221. Maintenance of sex offender registry, paragraph 8 and §11281. Maintenance of sex offender registry, paragraph 6: The bureau shall provide access to the information described in subsection 1 to criminal justice agencies. |
Number Registered: | 2,898 as of 10/1/2024 |
Percent Compliance: | 93.5% (188 non-compliant registrants) |
Internet Access: | Maine Sex Offender Registry |