updated 2/15/2023
Contact Person: | North Carolina Department of Public Safety State Bureau of Investigation (SBI) Criminal Information and Identification Section Sex Offender Coordination Unit Lisa Britton, CJ Program Manager SORhelp@NCSBI.gov (919)582-8670 |
Offenders Required to Register: | See: https://docs.ncsbi.gov/Sex-Offender/SexOffenderRegPrograms.aspx, Starting on Page 1. |
Information Collected: | The North Carolina Department of Public Safety, through its State Bureau of Investigation (SBI), makes information available to the public on individuals required to register as offenders under Article 27A, Sex offender and Public Protection Registration Programs (NC Sheriff’s Association), North Carolina General Statute 14-208.5 et al. Information is provided to the SBI by county sheriffs, courts, the North Carolina Department of Correction and other law enforcement/criminal justice agencies responsible for registering, classifying and managing offenders under these laws. |
Administrating Agency: | Only North Carolina’s sheriffs have statutory authority to manage registered offenders, which includes but not limited to: initial registration, address verification, compliance with applicable state laws and court provisions, and submission of biographical information (such as photographs) to the SBI to post and appear on the public registry website. Individuals with questions regarding offenders appearing on the public registry website should contact the sheriff of the county listed for that offender. A list of North Carolina sheriffs can be found at: http://www.ncsheriffs.org/sheriffs. Information on registered offenders is made available for the public to access via the Internet at: http://sexoffender.ncsbi.gov. Additional information is also available at: https://docs.ncsbi.gov/Sex-Offender/SexOffenderRegPrograms.aspx. |
Timeframe for Registration: | See: https://docs.ncsbi.gov/Sex-Offender/SexOffenderRegPrograms.aspx, Starting on Page 4. |
Applies to Out of State Offenders: | Yes, See: https://docs.ncsbi.gov/Sex-Offender/SexOffenderRegPrograms.aspx, Page 4. |
Duration of Requirement: | See: https://docs.ncsbi.gov/Sex-Offender/SexOffenderRegPrograms.aspx, Page 6. |
Verification of Address: | See: https://docs.ncsbi.gov/Sex-Offender/SexOffenderRegPrograms.aspx, Starting on Page 5 |
Penalties for Non-Compliance: | See: https://docs.ncsbi.gov/Sex-Offender/SexOffenderRegPrograms.aspx, starting on Page 27. |
Access to Information: | See: https://docs.ncsbi.gov/Sex-Offender/SexOffenderRegPrograms.aspx, Starting on Page 13. |
Confidentiality Provision: | Yes, See: https://docs.ncsbi.gov/Sex-Offender/SexOffenderRegPrograms.aspx, Starting on Page 13. |
Number Registered: | 19,376 as of 12/13/2021 |
Percent Compliance: | 96.1% (Compliance rating calculated based on information provided by county sheriffs). |
Internet Access: | North Carolina Sex Offender Registry |