Megan’s Law for North Dakota

Megan’s Law for North Dakota

updated 10/7/2024

Contact Person:
  • Casey Miller – Bureau of Criminal Investigation – 701-328-9827
  • Kaylonnie Conley – Bureau of Criminal Investigation – 701-328-556
Offenders Required to Register: Sex Offenders: Individuals who have pled guilty or been found guilty of the following offenses: gross sexual imposition; continuous sexual abuse of a child; sexual imposition; corruption or solicitation of minors; luring minors by computer; sexual abuse of wards; sexual exploitation by a therapist; sexual assault; incest; indecent exposure; surreptitious intrusion; sexual extortion; sexual performance by children (all offenses); sex trafficking; patronizing a victim of sexual servitude; patronizing a minor for commercial sexual activity. Offender against Children: homicide (all offenses); assault (victim under 12); aggravated assault; terrorizing; stalking (felony only); kidnapping; felonious restraint; removal of child from state in violation of custody decree; prostitution (all offenses); labor trafficking (minor victim) and child abuse.

Or any offense deemed equivalent to the North Dakota Century Code by the North Dakota Office of Attorney General.

Information Collected: Fingerprints, photo, date and place of conviction, description of offense, residence address, school name and address, employer name and address, DOB, place of birth, citizenship, alias, gender, and other identifying information such as height, weight, hair color, eye color, race, scars, marks, and tattoos. DNA samples are collected from all individuals who are required to register unless they have previously submitted a DNA sample.  Vehicle make, model, year, color, license plate.  Email addresses, Internet providers, Social pages with screen names, phone numbers.
Administrating Agency: State Bureau of Criminal Investigation, local law enforcement, State Department of Correction and Rehabilitation.
Timeframe for Registration: Within 3 days of release from incarceration; 10 days prior to changing residence, school, or employment address; within 3 days of moving into state.
Applies to Out of State Offenders: Yes
Duration of Requirement: Offenders Against Children:  15 years after the date of conviction or release from incarceration, whichever is later. Sex Offenders:  Registration length is determined by the risk level assigned.

  • Low risk – 15 years after the date of conviction or release from incarceration, whichever is later.
  • Moderate risk – 25 years after the date of conviction or release from incarceration, whichever is later.
  • High risk – lifetime.

For the life of the individual, if that individual:

  1. On two or more occasions has pled guilty or nolo contendere to, or been found guilty of a crime against a child or as a sexual offender, or an equivalent offense of another state or the federal government. If all qualifying offenses are misdemeanors, this lifetime provision does not apply unless a qualifying offense was committed after August 1, 1999;
  2. Pleads guilty or nolo contendere to, or is found guilty of, an offense committed after August 1, 1999, which is described in subdivision a of subsection 1 of section 12.1-20-03, section 12.1-20-03.1, or subdivision d of subsection 1 of section 12.1-20-03 if the person is an adult and the victim is under age twelve, or section 12.1-18-01 if that individual is an adult other than a parent of the victim, or an equivalent offense of another state or the federal government; or
  3. Has been assigned a high risk level by the State Risk Level Committee.
Verification of Address: Every 90 days for High Risk; Every 180 days for Moderate Risk; 1 time a year for Low Risk, any offender not yet assigned a risk level in North Dakota and Offender Against Children.
Penalties for Non-Compliance: All offenses Class C felony
Access to Information: Information on all registered sex offenders is available on the public offender website Relevant and necessary conviction and registration information must be disclosed to the public by a law enforcement agency if the individual is moderate or high risk and the agency determines that disclosure of the information is necessary for public protection. Upon request, law enforcement agencies may release conviction and registration information regarding low-risk, moderate-risk, or high-risk offenders.
Confidentiality Provision: Juvenile information, other than for juvenile high risk or juvenile absconded offenders, is confidential.
Number Registered: Within North Dakota as of 10/7/24: 1,645 registered sex offenders; 544 incarcerated sex offenders; 130 registered offenders against children; 59 incarcerated offenders against children
Percent Compliance: 96%
Internet Access: North Dakota Sex Offender Registry