Megan’s Law for Rhode Island

Megan’s Law for Ohio

updated 9/30/2024

Contact Person:

Rhode Island State Police

Rhode Island Sex Offender Registry


Fax 401-444-1355


Offenders Required to Register: Any person who, either in Rhode Island or any other jurisdiction, 1) has been convicted of a criminal offense against a victim who is a minor; 2) has been convicted of a sexually violent offense; 3) has been determined to be a sexually violent predator; 4) has committed an aggravated offense; or 5) is a recidivist, is required to register.
Information Collected: Name, date of birth,

Social Security Number,

A current digitized photograph of the person

An accurate physical description of the person

Any identifying marks, such as, but not limited to, scars, moles, birthmarks, or tattoos.

All of the person’s valid driver’s licenses issued by any jurisdiction.

Any identification card used by the person.

Any passports used by the person.

The address of each residence at which the person resides or will reside;

Any location or description that identifies where the person habitually lives or sleeps regardless of whether it pertains to a permanent residence or location otherwise identifiable by a street or address;

Any and all telephone numbers of the person.

Any and all email addresses used by the person;

Any and all Instant Message addresses and identifiers;

Any and all other designations or monikers used for self-identification in Internet communications or postings;

Any and all designations used by the person for the purpose of routing or self-identification and Internet communications or postings.

Vehicle registration plate numbers;

General description of the vehicle to include color, make, model, and year; and VIN

Any permanent or frequent location where any covered vehicle is kept.

Any and all places where the person is employed in any means including volunteer and unpaid positions:

(i) The name of the person’s employer;

(ii) The address of the person’s employer; and

(iii) Similar information related to any transient or day labor employment.

All licensing information that authorizes the person to engage in an occupation or carry out a trade or business.

The name of each public or private educational institution at which the person is or will be a student; and

The address of each public or private educational institution where the person is or will be a student.

Administrating Agency: Rhode Island State Police
Timeframe for Registration: 24 hours
Applies to Out of State Offenders: Yes
Duration of Requirements: 10 years from expiration of sentence with quarterly address verification for the first 2 yearsEXCEPT

persons convicted of aggravated offenses, recidivists, and sexually violent predators must register annually and verify their address quarterly for their lifetime;  or juveniles must register annually and verify their address quarterly for 15 years from the expiration of sentence

Verification of Address: Yes
Penalties for Non-Compliance: Any person who is required to register or verify his or her address and who knowingly fails to do so is guilty of a felony and upon conviction he or she will be imprisoned no more than 10 years, fined no more than $10,000, or both.
Access to Information: If risk of re-offense is high, law-enforcement agencies, organizations in the community including schools and religious and youth organizations, and the members of the public likely to encounter the registered offender are notified. If risk of re-offense is moderate, law-enforcement agencies and organizations in the community including schools and religious and youth organizations likely to encounter the registered offender are notified. If risk of re-offense is low, law-enforcement agencies likely to encounter the registered offender are notified.
Confidentiality Provision: No
Number Registered: 2,709 as of 9/30/2024
Percent Compliance: 99%
Internet Access: Rhode Island Sex Offender Registry