Megan’s Law for Tennessee

Megan’s Law for Tennessee

updated 2/13/2023

Tennessee Code Annoted language

Contact Person: Please dial 1-888-837-4170 during the hours of 8:00 am through 4:00 pm (Central Time).
Offenders Required to Register: Any person adjudicated or convicted of the sex offenses listed in Tennessee Code Annotated, §40-39-202(20) (28) and (30). Further, any person convicted or adjudicated in another jurisdiction of an offense that can be classified as one of the offenses listed within the above code. Any person required to register in another jurisdiction, upon establishing sufficient presence in Tennessee, must register in Tennessee. website
Information Collected: Offender’s primary or secondary residences, mailing address, vehicle descriptions, vehicle information numbers, and license tag numbers (this includes both vehicles used or owned by an offender), the complete listing of the offender’s electronic mail address information, including usernames, any social media accounts the offender uses or intends to use, instant message, other internet communication platforms or devices, and the offender’s username, screen name, or other method by which the offender accesses these accounts or websites, minors residing in the primary or secondary residence, complete name and all aliases, including, but not limited to, any names that the offender may have had or currently has by reason of marriage or otherwise, including pseudonyms and ethnic or tribal names, copies of all passport and immigration documents, professional licensing information that authorizes an offender to engage in an occupation or carry out a trade or business, and any other registration, verification and tracking information contained on the registration form. If the offender’s DNA sample has not already been collected pursuant to 40-35-321 or any other law and received by the TBI, the offender’s DNA sample shall be taken by the registering agency and sent to the TBI.
Administrating Agency: The Tennessee Bureau of Investigation is the central repository for the records of the Sex Offender Registry.  TBI also maintains the Registry’s website.  Actual registration of sex offenders is done by local law enforcement agencies and state parole/probation offices across Tennessee.
Timeframe for Registration: Within 48 hours of:  being released from prison in Tennessee, establishing a residence in Tennessee, accepting employment in Tennessee, becoming a student in Tennessee, being released to or from probation (supervised or unsupervised) in Tennessee, entering Tennessee under the Interstate Compact Act, entering Tennessee after deportation, or after any re-incarceration, or establishing a physical presence in Tennessee.Public Chapter 770 “Offender against children” means any sexual offender, violent sexual offender, or violent juvenile sexual offender if the victim in one (1) or more of the offender’s crimes was a child of twelve (12) years of age or less.Regardless of classification, these offenders will remain on the Tennessee Sex Offender Registry for life.
Applies to Out of State Offenders: Yes
Duration of Requirement: Offenders classified as “sexual offenders” may apply for termination from the Registry ten years after expiration of their sentences, provided they have been on the registry a minimum of five years. Offenders classified as “violent offenders” must remain on the registry for life. See Tennessee Code Annotated, §40-39-202(20) and (28) and (30). A copy of this law is posted on the public website
Verification of Address: Local law enforcement agencies and probation/parole officers are responsible for verifying the addresses of the offenders they register. (TCA 40-39-205 (b))
Penalties for Non-Compliance: Most cases of violation of the Registry law are Class E felonies with mandatory jail time. There are some exceptions that are misdemeanor or fine only offenses.
Access to Information: All offenders are shown on the internet, pursuant to Tennessee state law. Adjudicated Juvenile Offenders are not shown on the internet.
Confidentiality Provision: No.
Number Registered: 26,887 as of 9/30/2024
Percent Compliance: Must contact registering agencies
Internet Access: Tennessee Sex Offender Registry