Megan’s Law for Utah

Megan’s Law for Utah

updated 10/23/2024

Contact Person: Jennifer L. Calvo

Utah Department of Public Safety/BCI 801-495-7700

Offenders Required to Register: Adult sex and kidnap offenders. Out of state juveniles.​Utah Juveniles who were/are in the custody of Juvenile Justice Services 30 days prior to their 21st Birthday.

Required to register in person.

Information Collected:
  • Names & aliases
  • Primary and secondary addresses
  • Physical description
  • Vehicles the offender owns or regularly drives (includes make, model, color, year, plate #, and VIN #)
  • Current photograph
  • Set of fingerprints, if not already provided
  • DNA specimen taken in accordance with Section 53-10-404
  • Telephone #’s whether hard line or cell
  • Internet identifiers, including website name and address (includes P2P and gaming platforms). Exempts work and financial accounts, and passwords.
  • Copy of passport
  • Any documents which establish the offender’s immigration status
  • Professional licenses authorizing an offender to engage in an occupation or carry out a trade or business, including #’s
  • Educational institution affiliation (student, carries on a vocation, employed)
  • Name, address and phone number of any place where the offender is or will be employed
  • Name and address of any place where the offender works or will work as a volunteer
  • Social Security number
Administrating Agency: Utah State Department of Public Safety/BCI.
Timeframe for Registration: Within 3 working days of any change in the offender’s address, vehicle information, employment information, or educational information. All offenders must register every 6 months, during their birth month and the 6th month thereafter. Also, all offenders must be registered upon:

  • Upon being placed on probation
  • Commitment to a secure correctional facility operated by or under contract to UDC
  • Release from confinement to parole status or termination/expiration of sentence/escape
  • Entrance/Exit to a community-based residential program operated by or under contract to UDC
  • Termination of probation or parole

Beginning 07/01/2006 – Registration timeframes reflect the following changes: 10 days of entering the state for any purpose;

Applies to Out of State Offenders: Yes. Jurisdiction also includes Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, and New Zealand as of 5/10/2011.
Duration of Requirement: The duration of sentence and for 10 years following termination or expiration of that sentence, or which may be for life.  Utah does allow for offenders to petition for early removal under certain circumstances.

  • Individuals who have a registration requirement in another state (or former state of residence) and who move to Utah, will be required to register with the State of Utah for the length of time required in the previous state or under Utah guidelines, whichever is longer.
  • Individuals with a registration requirement from another jurisdiction or whose offense is substantially similar to a Utah registerable offense, who are a Non-Resident students or Non-Resident workers and who are in the State of Utah for any purpose, must register upon the 10th day, and will be required to register with the State of Utah for the length of time required in the previous state or under Utah guidelines, whichever is longer. Non-Resident Volunteers are required to register.
  • Repeat offenders are required to register for life.
  • Individuals who have had to register as a juvenile for a conviction and who commit a subsequent offense as an adult are subject to lifetime registration (repeat offender).
  • 16 of 28 offenses require lifetime registration; including any conviction for an equitable offense from any other state or the US Government.
Verification of Address: Yes. State of Utah by a SEMI-Annual MailingLocal or County Law Enforcement may set their own address verification schedules: monthly, bi-monthly, quarterly, or semi-annually
Penalties for Non-Compliance: Class A Misdemeanor – mandatory 90 days confinement and 1-year probation.Beginning 07/01/2006 – Penalties increase to:

  • 3rd Degree Felony for Felony Registrants or those registrants subject to lifetime registration;
  • Class A Misdemeanor for Misdemeanant Registrants.

Each instance/item that failed to be reported/registered may be prosecuted separately.

Access to Information: Via the Internet;If Internet access is not available, the public may contact the Sex Offender Registration Program and petition to receive the information via U.S. Mail.
Confidentiality Provision: No
Number Registered: 9,546 Active and Incarcerated in Utah at this time plus an additional 854 Deported that are still listed in NSOR and on our public website as of 10/23/2024
Percent Compliance: 364 are non-compliant at this time
Internet Access: Utah Sex Offender Registry 

Questions, comments, request or information regarding a registrant may be submitted to the Utah Sex Offender Registration Program at: