MUM WHO RAPED CHILDREN WAS ONE OF ‘MOST DISTRESSING’ CASES EVER SEEN IN COURT. Cops nailed Rebecca Holloway, 26, after they found “highly sexualised and exceptionally graphic” conversations she had online.
August 10, 2019
Mark Naylor
Daily Record
A mum who raped children has been slammed by a court as one of the 'most distressing' cases it's ever seen.
Cops nailed Rebecca Holloway, 26, after they found "highly sexualised and exceptionally graphic" conversations she had regarding the sexual abuse of children online, Grimsby Telegraph reports .
A close-up picture of girls' underwear, sex toys and sexual snaps of children were found in the young mum's possession.
It also emerged that Holloway, from Lincolnshire, had abused a very young boy to the point that he suffered a sexual injury .
Holloway has admitted two child rape offences, conspiracy to sexually assault a child under 13, as well as making and distributing indecent images of children.
Paul O'Shea, prosecuting, said: "It's a depressing, serious and grave case."
Mr O'Shea said Holloway sank to "real depths of depravity to satisfy her own sexual urges".
Holloway has no previous convictions and was said to be of good character, so there was no reason for authorities to suspect her of anything until the shocking truth was uncovered.
Her social media profiles have now been removed.
Holloway should have been sentenced over a year ago.
But, unusually, because of the seriousness and complexities of the case, the court ran out of time and it was abandoned to be restarted another day.
Recorder Bernard Gateshill, who was hearing it at the time, said: "This is a most distressing case.
"I have never before come across a case of such depravity."
Because it was so late in the day, Recorder Gateshill did not feel it would be right to rush the case and wanted time to consider sentence.
The case was adjourned to fix a date when all involved could attend for a half-day, part-heard sentencing hearing. But, in November last year, the sentencing hearing was taken over by Judge Paul Watson QC to be started again from scratch.
That still hasn’t happened and the case remains unresolved.
In the meantime, Holloway is behind bars awaiting her sentence date to be fixed.
Mum who raped children was one of 'most distressing' cases ever seen in court - Daily Record
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