Daily News/Nancie L. Katz

The lawyer for Luis Montoya, 53, who insists he was falsely accused of molesting a 13 year oldBrooklyn girl, said local residents are rallying around him. Julia Kuan said she has collectednumerous statements and letters vouching for Montoya's character. Trouble began for Montoya whena Park Slope mom papered her Third Street block with warning flyers after he allegedly molested herdaughter. The mom told the Daily News she acted because she couldn't live with herself if anothergirl was victimized. Montoya is free on bail after being charged with attempted rape and criminalsexual activity, both felonies, as well as misdemeanor counts of sexual abuse and sexualmisconduct.

The mother of the girl testified on March 7, 2007, that she almost died when she caught herteen topless with Montoya inside the family's home. He looked at me and I looked at him. Then Ijust grabbed her. I asked her if she was all right. I told her everything's going to be okay, themother told Brooklyn jurors. Montoya is charged with felony attempted rape and criminal sexualactivity. If convicted, he faces up to 11 years in prison.

(New York)