Luz Cuevas took one look at the dimpled, dark-haired little 6 year old girl at a birthday party and instantly knew two things: She was watching her own daughter who was presumed killed in a 1997 fire and she needed a way to prove it.  So she pretended the girl had gum in her hair, removed five strands from her head, folded them in a napkin and placed them in a plastic bag.  DNA tests confirmed that the girl was Cuevas' only daughter, the girl everyone else believed had perished in a house fire when she was only 10 days old.  Police allege that a family acquaintance stole the baby from her crib and set the fire to cover the crime.   

Carolyn Correa, 42, surrendered to police and faces charges including arson and kidnapping.

Cuevas and Pedro Vera, the girl's father, met the girl at a government office in New Jersey on March 4, the same day a judge approved a plan to grant the parents custody.