TEACHER WEB SEX SCANDAL (‘Predators’ nabbed)
Internet sex stings have snared two New York City teachers. Daniel Gettens, 53, was arrested Monday evening at Sacred Heart of Jesus grammar school in Bayside as he waited for what he thought was a 14 year old girl he met in an AOL chat room. He was awaiting arraignment last night for attempted dissemination of indecent material to minors, attempted criminal performance of a sexual act, and attempted endangering the welfare of a child. He was immediately fired, as per diocesan policy.
Three days before Gettens was arrested, cops nabbed Benjamin Cardozo High School social-studies teacher Anthony Laufgraben, 34, as he waited outside a restaurant for what he thought was going to be sexual experimentation with a 14 year old boy. The meeting followed a month of explicit chats in which he allegedly sent lewd pictures of himself via AOL. The supposed teen, as in the Gettens case, turned out to be an undercover detective. He was arraigned Saturday on the same charges as Gettens and was released on $75,000 bail.
Both teachers face up to four years in prison.
(New York)
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