Newsday/Emily Ngo
Registered sex offenders may not live or loiter within a half-mile of a Farmingdale school,park, day care center or other place where children regularly congregate, according to a new lawpassed by the village. The village did not previously have a sex offender law. The lawalso prohibits offenders from living or loitering within 500 feet of a school bus stop and makes ita crime for someone to knowingly lease a home within the boundaries to an offender. Violatorsface a fine of up to $2,500, with each additional day of violation counting as a separate,punishable offense. Offenders who already had homes within the boundaries before the law waspassed are exempt from the law, as are those under 18 and living with guardians, those required tolive at a location by court order and those who lived at a location before a new school, park orday care center was built. As of yesterday, six level 2 and 3 registered sex offender wereliving in the zip code shared by Farmingdale Village Hall, according to the state database.
(New York)
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