Anthony Allen Shore, age 55, is scheduled to die on October 18. Maria T. Jackson, CriminalrnDistrict Court Judge, Harris, TX, set the date for his execution on Thursday. Shore has been dubbedrnthe “Tourniquet Killer.” Between the 1980s and the 1990s, Houston’s Hispanicrnfemales were strangled with handmade tourniquets.


For almost two decades, gruesome murders he committed went unsolved. Shore’s unravelingrnhappened when he sexually assaulted two girls, who were his relatives. He was arrested. Forrnsexually assaulting his two relatives, he accepted a plea bargain arrangement that entailed givingrnup DNA and being placed on probation.


That DNA collected and tested provided a much-needed break in solving the cold cases. He wasrn41-years-old when he was arrested in 2003 and eventually confessed to having committed thernfollowing murders:


1986, Laurie Tremblay, 14-years-old


1992, Maria del Carmen Estrada, 21-years-old


August 1994, Diana Rebollar, 9-years-old, and


July 1995, Dana Sanchez, 16-years-old


The strength of the DNA test results tying him to the killing of Estrada led to prosecutors takernhim to trial on the merits of the compelling DNA evidence. He was tried and convicted of capitalrnmurder in the state’s case against him. It was the only murder committed by Shore thatrnprosecutors sought and saw a capital murder charge decided against him.


He was sentenced to death by a jury on October 21, 2004.


In addition to the assaults against two relatives and the serial murders, Shore additionallyrnsexually assaulted a 14-year-old girl who survived the attack. According to court records, Shorernwore ill-fitting or loose clothing, sunglasses, and surgical gloves. He masked his face with arnbandana. Though he used duct tape binding her hands and also wrapping her head, investigators saidrnescaped.


It was two years later, August 1994, when Shore kidnapped Rebollar not even a block away fromrnher house.


Houston victim advocate, Andy Kahan stated that there is a reason for having the death penaltyrnin Texas. He said Shore is a “poster child for why,” according to the HoustonrnChronicle.


Shore’s attorney, K. Knox Nunnally, said there is an appeal, it is his killerrnclient’s “last chance” plea before the United States Supreme Court. Though hernbelieves that there is the strength to his client’s argument, he also acknowledged that thern“odds” are not favorable to Shore.


The appeal is premised on a traumatic brain injury, according to Nunnally, who asserts hisrnclient’s brain damage was sustained before Shore targeted and murdered Hispanic females. Hernfurther stated that the injury might have altered the killer’s ability to distinguish betweenrn“right or wrong.”


Kim Ogg is currently the Harris County District Attorney. Once Shore’s execution date wasrnscheduled she described him as a “true” serial killer who deserves capital punishment.rnShe said he was predatory, his acts were brutal, and the execution isrn“appropriate.”


Message from Executive Director Laura A. Ahearn: Parents for Megan's Law and the Crime VictimsrnCenter provides prevention education, advocacy, counseling and other valuable support services tornchild and adult victims of sexual assault and to all victims of violent crime. Please visit ourrnwebsite at www.parentsformeganslaw.org for news, information and resources in your community.

