CHILD RAPE PERVS (39 busted in New Jersey)
New York Post/Joseph Mollica and Lukas I. Alpert
Thirty-nine perverts were nabbed in New Jersey in a kiddie-porn sting for passing around a videofile on the Internet showing a man raping a 5 year old girl. Acting on a tip from authorities inWyoming, the suspects were arrested over the past two days by the State Police. The suspects rangein age from 14 to 61, with 10 younger than 18. All are charged with second degree possession anddistribution of child pornography. The video, which depicts a man in Toccoa, Georgia, raping a 5year old, was made four years ago. The rapist, James Francis Bidwell, was arrested when he tried tosend the tapes out of the country. He pleaded guilty in 2002 to rape and child molestation and isserving 45 years in a Georgia prison. The dad of Jeffrey Patti, a 36 year old lawyer who wasarrested, said his son did not knowingly possess the video and was mistakenly arrested. Othersuspects are Ross Finesmith, a 43 year old pediatric neurologist at NYU Medical Center from BaskingRidge and Andrews Friedman, a 27 year old hockey coach at Kinnelon High School in Morristown.
(New Jersey)
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