An Ashford man already sentenced to hundreds of years for multiple counts of child molestationreceived an additional 250 years in prison Monday from a Houston County judge.
Circuit Judge Michael Conaway sentenced Bobby Lynn Smith on seven additional sex crimes. He wasconvicted by a Houston County jury two weeks ago.
In 2013, Conaway sentenced Smith to 610 years in prison for 27 felony sex crimes after orderingthe terms to run consecutively.
Before sentencing Smith Monday, Conaway asked Houston County Assistant District Attorney RussGoodman, and Smith?s attorney Derek Yarbrough, if any additional information needed to be presentedto the courts. Goodman declined and Yarbrough asked the courts to take into consideration Smith?sage and health issues.
?Your honor Mr. Smith is 57 years old and does have serious health issues,? Yarbrough stated.?We ask the court to take in consideration Smith suffers from kidney disease and in the past hashad cancer.?
Conaway asked Smith if he had anything he would like to say to the court. Smith declined.
Smith was sentenced to 60 years for each of the three first-degree rape charges. Again, Conawayordered the sentences to run consecutively. He was sentenced to 20 years for each first-degreesodomy charge, totaling 60 years to run consecutively. Smith was also sentenced to 10 years for theone count of sexual abuse. He was also ordered to pay fines, court costs and victim compensationcosts for all seven counts.
Conaway informed Smith he did have the right to appeal the ruling. According to Smith?sattorneys, they will now pursue the appeal process.
Included in the charges Smith pleaded guilty to in 2013 are first-degree sex abuse, sex abuse ofa child under the age of 12, second-degree rape, second-degree sodomy, attempted first-degree rape,first-degree sodomy and first-degree rape. Smith pleaded guilty to molesting 10 children, includingtwo sisters, and one boy.
Message from Executive Director Laura A. Ahearn: Parents for Megan's Law and the Crime VictimsCenter provides prevention education, advocacy, counseling and other valuable support services tochild and adult victims of sexual assault and to all victims of violent crime. Please visit ourwebsite at for news, information and resources in your community.
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