Ian Huntley, a 29 year old school caretaker, has been charged with the murders of Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman, two 10 year olds who vanished August 4, 2002, while walking near their homes in Soham. Huntley's girlfriend, Maxine Carr, 26, has also been arrested and was questioned by police. Police confirmed that two bodies found in a rural corner of England were those of the girls. The sickening double murder has unleashed a tidal wave of anguish - and rage - across a stunned nation. Their disappearance triggered the largest manhunt in British history. A five-hour examination of the bodies failed to find the cause of death.
Huntley was sentenced to life in prison yesterday after being found guilty of murdering the two schoolgirls. After the verdicts, it emerged that police checks on Huntley when he applied for his job had failed to reveal numerous allegations of rape and child abuse against him.
Carr, who lied to police by claiming she was with him at the time the girls were killed, was found not guilty of helping an offender but guilty of conspiring to pervert the course of justice. She was jailed for 3 1/2 years.
(London, England)
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