Gabriel Nunez, Jr., a 33 year old Mineola man working in a pharmacy, was arraigned yesterday on a sexual abuse charge after he molested an 8 year old girl who came in the store looking for candy.  He was arrested at the Duane Read/Rock Bottom store at 530 Jericho Turnpike in Mineola.  Nunez, of 147 Jericho Turnpike,  was arraigned on a first degree sexual abuse charge and was held in lieu of $25,000 bail.  About 9:15 p.m. Friday the girl, who had been with her mother doing laundry next door, went to buy candy at the store.  Nunez was working as a cashier.  He told her she could do something for free candy and took her down an aisle.  He then allegedly put his hands in her pants several times and touched her private areas telling her to tell no one.  He walked her back to the front of the store and told her take candy before she left.  The girl later told her mother.

(New York)