In October of 1993, 12 year old Polly Hannah Klaas, was abducted at knife-point by Richard Allen Davis during a slumber party from her Petaluma, California home. Thousands of residents from the surrounding community immediately responded with the largest manhunt in American history.  Then on a cold evening in December, the media reported that Polly, America's Child, was not found alive. The country was outraged and the public cried out for change in legislation and pro-active in crime prevention.  Marc Klaas, Polly's father, immediately dove into a campaign to put children higher on the national priority list.  With no prior media, political or public speaking experience, he immediately became savvy in affecting proactive legislation, and sought to advocate children's issues and speak out on crime prevention.  Within a year the Klaas Foundation for Children was formed.  The web address is www.klaaskids.org