Name: Rivera, Manuel
Alias: Jose Guzman, Emilo Rivera, Emilio Manuel Rivera, Beato Ramon,Emillio Rivera, Manual Guzman, Emanuel Rivera, Pacual Orti
DIN: 95A6936
Sex: M
DOB: 10/28/1936
Height: 5' 8
Weight: 160 lbs.
Hair: Gray
Eyes: Brown
Race: Black (Hispanic)
Complexion: Dark
Scars, Marks, Tattoos: Scar on left side of neck
Crime of Conviction: Sodomy 1st
Wanted For: Parole Violation
Wanted By: N.Y.S. Division of Parole
Remarks: Current offense involved sodomy of three separate femalevictims while in possession of weapons. Previous offense involved rape and sodomy of threeunderaged female victims.
If you have information about this individual, contact DOCCS Bureau of Special Services at212-239-6159. This individual is considered armed and dangerous. Do not attempt to apprehend ordetain this individual yourself.